Abu Hurairah meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda yang bermaksud,
Apabila seorang anak Adam meninggal dunia, maka terputuslah amalannya kecuali melalui tiga sumber; sedekah jariah, ilmu yang dimanfaatkan dan anak soleh yang berdoa untuknya.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Keghairahan Mencari Duit Sampingan

Dalam kehidupan masakini yang tertekan dengan kedudukan ekonomi yang kurang mantap, ramai muslim mencari alternatif tambahan dengan menjalankan pendapatan sampingan seperti melabur, menjadi pemilik modal sesebuah syarikat, perlaburan emas, MLM, online cash dan sebagainya. Kita semua akur bahawa tuntutan serta keperluan hidup zaman kini amat tinggi sejajar dengan perkembangan teknologi dan ilmu yang baru. Namun, adakah kita sebagai seorang muslim pernah memikirkan, meneliti, menyiasat adakah sumber pendapatan sampingan ini benar-benar halal dan sah disisi islam?

sebagai seorang muslim, wajib untuk kita memastikan bahawa sumber kewangan yang masuk ke dalam keluarga kita adalah dari sumber yang sah. Gaji yang diperolehi juga perlulah dipastikan bersih dan suci tanpa unsur syak. Kita selalu berusaha memastikan kerja makan gaji kita agar sentiasa mengikut etika seperti tidak ponteng kerja, melakukan tugasan dengan sempurna, mengeluarkan zakat pendapatan dan sebagainya agar hasil titik peluh yang diperolehi adalah bersih namun kita selalu terlupa memastikan sumber sampingan ini juga dari sumber yang bersih dan suci lagi menyucikan. Setelah meneliti tulisan Ustaz Zaharuddin Abd. Rahman, dapat disimpulkan bahawa, mencari rezeki yang halal adalah penting dan perlu penelitian.

Ada syarikat yang sangat popular baru-baru ini menawarkan pakej pemilikan modal yang menjanjikan keuntungan tetap setiap 3-4 bulan dan ramai yang terpedaya dengan pulangan yang menguntungkan tanpa memastikan halal atau haram kaedah yang digunakannya. (keterangan lanjut di http://www.zaharuddin.net/pelaburan-&-perniagaan/260-pelaburan-masa-lepas-a-jaminan-untung.html)

Begitu juga perlaburan emas, yang semakin menjadi perhatian umum. Jual beli emas tidak haram, tetapi kaedah jual beli serta perlaburannya perlulah jelas mengikut hukum. (keterangan lanjut di http://www.zaharuddin.net/pelaburan-&-perniagaan/764-hukum-akaun-pelaburan-emas-di-bank-malaysia.html)

Bagi perniagaan MLM pula, kebersihan kaedahnya perlu diteliti agar tidak termakan sumber yang tidak bersih. (keterangan lanjut di http://www.zaharuddin.net/pelaburan-&-perniagaan/222-multi-level-marketing-menurut-shariah.html)

Semua muslim tahu bahawa 9 dari 10 sumber rezeki datang dari perniagaan dan ketahuilah bahawa, perniagaan memerlukan pengendalinya mendalami hukum hakam agama agar sumber betul-betul mengikut syariah yang ditetapkan. Namun kita dapati rata-rata rakyat Malaysia tidak cakna dengan hukum syariah dalam perniagaan dan lebih tertarik dengan pulangan yang menguntungkan tanpa menyiasat dahulu kaedah perniagaannya.

Begitu juga dengan rukun islam yang ke-4 iaitu mengeluarkan zakat bagi menyucikan sumber pendapatan. Rakyat Malaysia tahu tentang syahadah, sembahyang, puasa dan mengerjakan haji jika mampu namun persoalan zakat sering diambil mudah. Zakat pendapatan perlu dikeluarkan setiap tahun berdasarkan kiraan-kiraan tertentu kerana setiap hasil titik peluh kita ada sebahagiannya adalah hak milik org miskin, anak yatim dan golongan yang telah ditentukan. Andai kita tidak mengeluarkan zakat maka kita telah memakan bahagian yang bukan hak kita. Begitu juga dengan zakat simpanan, jika cukup haul (setahun) serta nisabnya, wajib kita mengeluarkan zakat. Beberapa zakat lain yang selalu diabaikan ialah zakat emas, zakat perniagaan dan sebagainya.

Islam adalah agama yang syumul dan segala peraturan yang ditetapkan adalah sangat indah dan bermanfaat untuk sejagat dan tidak tertumpu kepada satu-satu golongan sahaja. Hukum perniagaan dan zakat juga amat baik bagi mengukuhkan kewangan dan ekonomi islam.

Apabila satu syarikat milikan bumiputra dan muslim dikatakan haram, tidak betul atau tidak patuh syariah, muslim yang lain sering melemparkan kata-kata bahawa melayu ingin menjatuhkan sesama melayu, melayu tidak boleh melihat anak bangsa maju, melayu pantang melihat anak bangsa berjaya, melayu berhati busuk dan tidak senang dengan kemewahan bangsa sendiri dan dituduh sengaja melemparkan fitnah. Namun, adakah kita sesama melayu atau lebih tepat dikatakan muslim, sedar bahawa teguran dari sesama muslim itu adalah untuk kebaikannya juga? Apakah yang kita kejar selama ini? Kesenangan dan kemewahan hidup di dunia atau kebahagian yang kekal di akhirat?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ultrathin alternative to silicon for future electronics

  Duplicate from physics.org.

November 22, 2010 Ultrathin alternative to silicon for future electronicsEnlarge

Fabricating an indium oxide (InAs) device starts with a) epitaxially growing and etching InAs into nanoribbon arrays that are get stamped onto a silicon/silica (Si/SiO2 ) substrate; b) and c) InAs nanoribbon arrays on Si/SiO2; d) and e) InAs nanoribbon superstructures on Si/SiO2. 

Credit: courtesy of Ali Javey, UC Berkeley

There's good news in the search for the next generation of semiconductors. Researchers with the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the University of California Berkeley, have successfully integrated ultra-thin layers of the semiconductor indium arsenide onto a silicon substrate to create a nanoscale transistor with excellent electronic properties. A member of the III–V family of semiconductors, indium arsenide offers several advantages as an alternative to silicon including superior electron mobility and velocity, which makes it an oustanding candidate for future low-power, high-speed electronic devices.
"We've shown a simple route for the heterogeneous integration of indium arsenide layers down to a thickness of 10 nanometers on substrates," says Ali Javey, a faculty scientist in Berkeley Lab's Materials Sciences Division and a professor of electrical engineering and computer science at UC Berkeley, who led this research.

"The devices we subsequently fabricated were shown to operate near the projected performance limits of III-V devices with minimal leakage current. Our devices also exhibited superior performance in terms of current density and transconductance as compared to silicon transistors of similar dimensions."
For all its wondrous , silicon has limitations that have prompted an intense search for alternative semiconductors to be used in future devices. Javey and his research group have focused on compound III–V semiconductors, which feature superb electron transport properties. The challenge has been to find a way of plugging these compound semiconductors into the well- established, low-cost processing technology used to produce today's silicon-based devices. Given the large lattice mismatch between silicon and III-V compound semiconductors, direct hetero-epitaxial growth of III-V on silicon substrates is challenging and complex, and often results in a high volume of defects.
"We've demonstrated what we are calling an 'XOI,' or compound semiconductor-on-insulator technology platform, that is parallel to today's 'SOI,' or silicon-on-insulator platform," says Javey. "Using an epitaxial transfer method, we transferred ultrathin layers of single-crystal indium- arsenide on silicon/silica substrates, then fabricated devices using conventional processing techniques in order to characterize the XOI material and device properties."

The results of this research have been published in the journal Nature, in a paper titled, "Ultrathin compound semiconductor on insulator layers for high-performance nanoscale transistors." Co-authoring the report with Javey were Hyunhyub Ko, Kuniharu Takei, Rehan Kapadia, Steven Chuang, Hui Fang, Paul Leu, Kartik Ganapathi, Elena Plis, Ha Sul Kim, Szu-Ying Chen, Morten Madsen, Alexandra Ford, Yu-Lun Chueh, Sanjay Krishna and Sayeef Salahuddin.

To make their XOI platforms, Javey and his collaborators grew single-crystal indium arsenide thin films (10 to 100 nanometers thick) on a preliminary source substrate then lithographically patterned the films into ordered arrays of nanoribbons. After being removed from the source substrate through a selective wet-etching of an underlying sacrificial layer, the nanoribbon arrays were transferred to the silicon/silica via a stamping process.

Javey attributed the excellent electronic performance of the XOI transistors to the small dimensions of the active "X" layer and the critical role played by quantum confinement, which served to tune the material's band structure and transport properties. Although he and his group only used indium arsenide as their compound semiconductor, the technology should readily accommodate other compound III/V semiconductors as well.
"Future research on the scalability of our process for 8-inch and 12-inch wafer processing is needed," Javey said.

"Moving forward we believe that the XOI substrates can be obtained through a wafer bonding process, but our technique should make it possible to fabricate both p- and n- type transistors on the same chip for complementary electronics based on optimal III–V semiconductors.

"Furthermore, this concept can be used to directly integrate high performance photodiodes, lasers, and light emitting diodes on conventional silicon substrates. Uniquely, this technique could enable us to study the basic material properties of inorganic when the thickness is scaled down to only a few atomic layers."

Provided by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Molecular spectra

When atom or molecule makes transition from a state of energy E1 to another state with energy E2, it absorbs or emits energy, where:

For atoms, energy states are determined by arrangements of electron clouds (electronic states). Each line of spectrum observed corresponds to an electronic transition.

For molecules, the spectra are more complicated. Their states are not only depending on the electron cloud but also by the geometrical arrangement of the nuclei and their movements. This is because molecules have additional internal degree of freedom.

  • possess more electronic states than atoms
  • nuclei can vibrate around their equilibrium position 
  • may rotate around axes through its center of mass.
For each electronic state, various vibrational and rotational energy levels are exist.

Molecular spectra can be categorized as below:
1) Transitions between different rotational levels for the same vibrational (and electronic) state lead to pure rotational spectra with wavelengths in the microwave region
2) Transitions between rotational levels in different vibrational levels of the same electronic state lead to vibration-rotation spectra in the mid-infrared
3) Transitions between two different electronic states have wavelengths from the UV to the near infrared. Each electronic transitions comprises many vibrational bands corresponding to transitions between the different vibrational levels of the two electronic states involved. Each of these bands contains many rotational lines with wavelengths or frequencies.

Source: Molecular Physics: Theoretical Principles and Experimental Methods by Wolfgang Demtroder

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

University Social Responsibilities Program-Physics Department, UMT

"Program Selangkah Kearah Kecemerlangan Fizik 2010" is a program organized by Kelab Kemahasiswaan Fizik, UMT (KEMAFIZ). The objectives of the program are to expose Form 3 students from selected local secondary school to Physics, to expose campus life to them, to introduce the beautiful of Physics and its miracles and at the same time to establish contact and relationship with the community.

The program is expected to be conducted annually and the participation involves most of the secondary school in the neighborhood. This is the first ever USR program organized by Jabatan Sains Fizik and has been fully supported by HEPA, UMT, JPNT and Terengganu Education Exco. The program has been reported by local press, Sinar Harian.

The Deputy Dean (Academic & Student's Affair), Prof Madya Dr. Aziz bin Ahmad, Head of Department, Dr. Mohd Ikmar Nizam Mohamad Isa, Physics Department's Lecturers, Schools' Representatives (Teachers), Physics Department Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students as an Organizing Committee and Participants (Form 3 students from five schools in neighborhood) are having picture together in Closing Ceremony in Kafe baru, UMT.
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